POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Ocean coming up to the beach. : Ocean coming up to the beach. Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:18:19 EDT (-0400)
  Ocean coming up to the beach.  
From: Todd Chaffee
Date: 12 Aug 1999 22:01:54
Message: <37b37c92@news.povray.org>
I've been trying to create a scene with the ocean water coming up to a sandy
beach.  The ocean water needs to be transparent so you can see the ocean
floor continuing under the water.  My first attempt with planes and texture
maps looked pretty funny since the planes intersected in a straight line.

Next, I tried using sPatch to create wavey sand and wavey water objects and
then put the water over the sand  Partial success but I don't know if I'm
going in the right direction.  The scene also takes a very long time to
render even in very small resolutions.

Finally, I used 'crand' for the sand texture and am starting to think this
is not a good idea.  Any other ideas on creating a realistic sand texture.

Any suggestions?

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